Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

3D Grid...

I had the 3D grid in place, however i wanted to use the chateau for my explosion as it added to my concept of beauty, and the grid wouldnt sit correctly with the mountains in the way.

Additionally, i didnt use a range of differently sized objects as i couldnt achieve the symetry/harmony/rhythm theme when i had different sized and consequently different shaped/coloured objects. Hopefully this wont hinder my marks too significantly - because by following the guidelines i dont believe i would have been able to achieve a video of this quality...



Expository Mode...

Porosity... OR, How i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb...

The title "Porosity; OR, How i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb" conveys to the viewer the idea that explosions and bombs dont need to be looked at as ferocious, violent and firey. They can be things of beauty, a loveable entity... The light and 'happy' soundtrack juxtaposes against the raw explosions to lighten their effect and change the viewers perceptions from violence to beauty. This effect is continued with the soft lighting and transitions...

Created using GMod, Counter Strike and Adobe Premiere Pro.

"(They Long to Be) Close to You". By "The Carpenters", from "Close to You", 1970. Jack Daugherty; A&M Records.


The youtube compressor has stuffed up my musical timing - and also the framerate seems to be shot... i will upload the video to fileshare or something like that later so you can see what its supposed to be like - or show you in class...
It looks like its a powerpoint - but its actually video thats aligned well with music... so please dont mark the youtube video for what it is...

oh and i also somehow forgot to put in a clip from 'Debris' by Farbrausch (my original found machinima - which my gmod work is based on...) dont know how i did that - but i cant be bothered fixing up my movie right now... so lets just pretend that there is a nice dramatic clip in the middle of the cube exploding... cool.

damn it!

OK - so i uploaded the video to filefront and here is the link - i will try in the meantime to get it to work in youtube...


Found Machinima

James Guthrie

My concept is that explosions can be loved by people other than 10 year old boys and men who think they're 10 (i am not excluded from this generalisation...)
The harsh introduction juxtaposes strongly with the symetrical harmonic and rhythmic explosions that follow; conveying to the viewer that explosions arent just about violence and fire... they can also be things of beatuy and admiration....


B2DMASTERSNIPER. 2007. Best Crysis Physics Yet! ***NEW*** [online] [Acessed 15th August 2008] Available from World Wide Web:

SAMPLING666. 2007. Crysis Physics - 3'000 barrel explosion. [online] [Acessed 15th August 2008] Available from World Wide Web:

EXPENDABLEASSET84. 2007. Crysis Physics Destruction. [online] [Acessed 15th August 2008] Available from World Wide Web:

Music used:
"Hells Bells" by AC/DC from Back in Black. 1980; Mutt Lange; Atlantic Records.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


This is what i've been working on... its a representation of the machinima i found titled 'debris'.

I didnt want to use a range of different sized objects as it would stray from my concept.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I began to notice that whenever i thought about explosions, i always imagined fire, chaos and violent destruction. So, for my experiment i decided to see if i could demonstrate beautiful, rhythmic explosions without the fire and devestation.
That is why i chose the machinima clip below, 'Debris' by Farbrausch. Its a beautiful explosion. Calm, and organic.

My plan is to set up a wall/sea of objects that blend in together (ie. copies of the one item - maybe of varying size) and then set off a non-violent explosion to create what i imagine will be a beautiful, symetrical dominoe effect...